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Over 250,000 sold! One juice or smoothie a day—made from green vegetables such as kale, cucumber, celery, and spinach—works wonders for organ health, immune system strength, and weight loss.

Now the founder of heathygreendrink.com offers a persuasive argument for adding a green drink to your day, as well as recipes for dozens of different variations.

  • Why drink green?
  • Green leafy vegetables are extremely alkaline and great for lowering your blood pH and remedying many common ailments and diseases.
  • By juicing or blending the vegetables into a delicious smoothie, you can enjoy the goodness of many more cups of greens that you could possibly eat in one sitting.
  • The juicing process also breaks down or removes the fibers of the plants so their nutrients are able to get into your system quicker.
  • The “green drink” approach offers dieters the chance to add something rather than take it away, without guilt.

A cleansing detox drink is a fantastic, tasty way to consume all your necessary vitamins and minerals without having to resort to a processed multivitamin. Plus, green-drinkers quickly start to crave more fruits and vegetables, leading them to a healthier diet over all.

The Healthy Green Drink Diet gives health enthusiasts all the tools they need to add green drinks to their daily routine and feel the wonderful, energizing results through and through.


About the Author

Jason Manheim created and runs the website healthygreendrink.com. A website developer and designer, he began making green drinks six years ago and has felt great ever since. He lives in Los Angeles, California.


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